Exploratory Data Analysis on NBA

  • Data Source % Tools: Data was extracted from an API converted from JSON to CSV using Python, and analyzed on Jupyter Notebook.
  • Focus: NBA 21/22 season standings and team stats, focusing on how to finish the season with a higher positin on a Conference.
  • Key Insights:
    • Field Goals Made (fgm) and Defensive Rebounds (defReb) are significant indicators of a team’s success at home and away games.
    • Defensive stats are less correlated but still relevant, suggesting the need for more detailed defensive data.
    • Three-Point Percentage (tpp) and Field Goal Percentage (fgp) are highly correlated with winning, emphasizing shot efficiency.
    • Home Wins: High defensive rebounds correlate with more home victories, especially for teams like the Celtics and the Bucks.
    • Away Wins: Efficiency in scoring, particularly through three-point shots, correlates with away wins, as seen with teams like the Sixers and the Heat.
    • Team Comparisons: The Miami Heat and the Phoenix Suns, top of their conferences, show different playstyle. The Suns excel in scoring, while the Heat’s ball movement and capitalization on turnovers stand out.
    • This summary encapsulates the multifaceted aspects of basketball performance, highlighting the importance of both offensive efficiency and defensive plays in securing wins.

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